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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is Old News

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is Old News

More than 500 years ago, Luca Pacioli, often called ‘the father of accounting’, was the first to publish a detailed description on the double-entry system, thus enabling others to study and use it. The mid-1800s brought about the first mechanical calculator. In the...
The Human Factor Should Never Be Underrated

The Human Factor Should Never Be Underrated

When Tesla built its flagship fully automated plant in Fremont, California, it was supposed to be a revolution in manufacturing. What ultimately happened was a painful truth. The AI-powered robots actually slowed down production, and the plant failed to meet its...
Every Audit tells a Story

Every Audit tells a Story

A well-conducted audit usually tells a story … an account of a business’ plans and  activities, it identifies the players and roles, of delivery on objectives, and reviews the outcomes on how to do it all over again. Characters can change along the way and...
The Buck Stops here …

The Buck Stops here …

Not all companies are ready to adapt to the digital ways of working. What with the post COVID-19 induced trend of staff working remote, it has become the accepted norm for companies to outsource certain processes. One such example is Payroll Outsourcing....
It’s not inside it’s …

It’s not inside it’s …

Not unlike the story told in the iconic Cremora commercial of the ‘90’s … When faced with complex accounting and audit situations, our teams will always focus on interrogating the proverbial fridge. Until it confesses. And this is what makes us different. When...
Planning for Successful Living

Planning for Successful Living

“Every man’s life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another” Ernest Hemingway People commonly make plans for while they’re alive and well, and enjoying the good life … The most important plan...